10 Fascinating Diet Facts You Didn't Know About Winter

Diet facts can sometimes be amazing and sometimes even scary, but you must admit that they are remarkably interesting to learn about! Today we decided to collect some of the most fascinating diet facts about winter and share them with you in our article. Keep reading if you want to find out more!

1) Morning exercise can boost energy for the entire day

Your morning sweat session may give you extra energy for hours. A quick workout in your room can boost your energy levels for a good part of day and make you feel more refreshed than ever. As soon as you wake up, try to do some simple exercises like jumping jacks, lunges, squats, or push-ups to get your blood flowing and pump oxygen into your brain. And do not forget to include exercises that strengthen both mind and body like yoga, tai chi, or Pilates - they will help you stay alert throughout each day!

2) Keep your lunch balanced

If you are like most Americans, you spend a sizable portion of your workday sitting at a desk. For example, on an average workday I spend about 8 hours seated in front of my computer and on conference calls. While it is not easy to completely avoid desk time, do your best to make sure that you do not overdo it. Every hour or so, try to get up and walk around for a few minutes; take a quick stroll around your office or find another way to move while you talk on the phone. This will help promote blood flow and circulation—which can help keep things moving in many ways!

3) Get more restful sleep during winter

Sleep cycles often get disrupted during winter. Melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness, is not released as effectively when it is dark. As a result, many people have trouble falling asleep at night and can feel very sleepy during daytime hours. Eating foods that are high in tryptophan – an amino acid that helps your body produce melatonin – may help promote better sleep. The top dietary sources of tryptophan include soybeans, fish, and chicken breast. Tryptophan-rich foods are also useful sources of protein (try eating them with some whole grains for an even bigger appetite-curbing punch), so be sure to include them in your meals throughout winter season.

4) Workout before bedtime

Although it might seem counterproductive, exercising before bedtime can help you avoid overeating in response to your body's stress signals. According to researchers at Japan's National Institute of Health and Nutrition, study participants who exercised before bed decreased their chances of consuming more calories than they burned off throughout their next waking hours by 55 percent. The researchers believe that exercise—even short bursts of activity like jogging in place or doing jumping jacks—helps keep stress hormones called glucocorticoids at bay. These hormones trigger feelings of hunger that can make it tough to get a handle on your appetite. If you want to make sure snacking does not undo any challenging work during your next workout, try wearing wristbands that track calorie burn and alert you when you have hit a target.

5) Be careful with alcohol intake in winter

While alcohol is often seen as a vice, there are plenty of reasons to crack open a few beers in winter. Alcohol lowers your body temperature and can help warm you up when temperatures outside feel sub-zero, for example. It also helps prevent blood clots from forming on chilly days—and those are especially dangerous for diabetics. However, too much alcohol can raise blood sugar levels and interfere with your diabetes management plan. Many experts recommend drinking light beer over liquor or wine. It is important to note that these facts apply only if you do not drink heavily throughout summer or spring—if you space out you are imbibing throughout all four seasons, you are safe!

6) Include red meat only once a week in your diet

If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner, you must be consuming enough protein. Red meat is a reliable source of protein, but it should not be eaten every day. Too much red meat can cause your cholesterol levels to rise and may lead to certain types of cancer. Try and limit red meat to once or twice per week for maximum benefits. This can keep your heart healthy and help with muscle recovery post workout.

7) Always eat greens and high fiber foods

Winter fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and fiber, while also low in sugar. Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage are particularly high in iron. They are also bursting with vitamins A and C — important antioxidants that your body uses to maintain its immune system. Darker greens also contain an amino acid called glutamine which is a building block for muscle tissue. This means you will lose less muscle mass when fasting during winter months — not to mention veggies contain fewer calories than fruits and legumes. High-fiber foods can also help ward off cravings as they take longer to digest, keeping you fuller for longer periods of time.

8) Eat low carb when you are hungry at night time

Instead of grabbing a snack or something to drink, have an apple or some type of high fiber fruit before you head to bed. This will help you stay full so you will not wake up hungry at night. It is also wise to drink plenty of water during dinner time so that you will not get thirsty and reach for another calorie filled drink. By staying hydrated, it can also help your body with digestion because your food will go through it much more easily when you are drinking plenty of water. In winter season follow these diet facts which give best results according to health experts.

9) Keeping your body warm will help you lose weight easier

Our metabolism slows down when we are cold, meaning it burns fewer calories to keep us warm. As a result, we tend to consume more calories to stay warm than if we were comfortable. One study found that by wearing long underwear, shivering participants could burn as many as 350 additional calories each day. If you are not keen on wearing full-length underwear in public or just need something simple and effective, consider throwing on an extra pair of pants or putting on an extra layer before going out for your run or walk.

10) Green tea helps burn more calories, but do not overdo it!

Drinking green tea is a wonderful way to lose weight, but not just any green tea. More specifically, you should drink Matcha green tea if you are looking to burn more calories. Studies show that drinking a cup of Matcha can increase your metabolism by 4% compared to drinking regular old green tea. One study suggests that it can boost your energy expenditure by around 22%. The biggest difference between Matchem and normal green tea is that Matchem is made by grinding loose-leaf green tea leaves into a fine powder (instead of just steeping them in hot water). This causes your body to process it differently, which results in higher levels of metabolism. Even better than all these benefits?
